Body Of Lies Movie Review

Since part of my vacation consisted of an allergic reaction to sunscreen, we had to spend some time indoors. Part of our solution to this was to go see some movies in theater. I used to go see movies all the time (I really love seeing movies actually) but we haven't gone much over the last year. I am hoping that we will start going again now that we are back. Anyway we saw the movie Body of Lies, and I really liked it.Body of Lies stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe--two actors that I like a lot. This is the role where Russell Crowe got nice and plump for his role. He plays the a character that reminds of me one of those high up corporate executives that have been promoted up the company ranks because they are scheming and political--only in this case that company is the government. Leo is out in the field working for Russell to help fight covert terrorists. It is an exhilarating movie with lots of cliff hanger moments. The characters are well developed and believable. And I also liked that the majority of the movie takes place abroad (in Jordan). Having not traveled very much (and even though it is only a movie, not the real thing) I always feel like I learn something seeing settings outside my own. There are small mini-stories about love, trust, and alliances--and it is definitely action packed--there aren't many moments where you can't wait to find out what is going to happen next.I don't think it was as good as Leo's last movie, Blood Diamond, which I absolutely loved (4.5/5), but Body of Lies was definitely one of the better movies I have seen recently.I would probably give it 3.75/5 stars.

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