Book Reviews

Last night my good friend Jessica came over to trade some books and borrow Gossip Girl--we are both going on vacation and while I have been intending to get to the library borrowing books from good friends is even better (if for no other reason than you get to see your friends!).  While we were chatting (which mostly consisted of talking about shopping, passive income, and our blogs) I realized that I had read every book on my updated reading list!  So I am going to repost it here and then go through each book and write my brief (very brief) thoughts on each.  I also updated my reading list with the books I am working though presently.Chasing Harry WinstonI really liked Lauren Wiesberger's other books (The Devil Wears Prada and Everyone Worth Knowing) so I picked up this one while I was in the airport waiting for my flight. The book is about 3 almost-30 characters who are living in New York (I love stories about New York, Los Angeles and Paris--don't know why but I always have). This book falls firmly into the chic lit genre; and I found the story cute and entertaining. I felt like I could relate to some aspects of each of the characters; although there wasn't one character that really fit me (Emmy was too single and pure, Adriana too pretty, and Lee a bit too neurotic). Each of the characters were still very likable and their trials and tribulations make for fun tale.Shining City: A NovelI came across this book in one of my many newsletters. The premise is that the main character, Marcus, inherits a dry cleaning company, which is really a front for a brothel, form his recently deceased brother. I thought this sounded very interesting, however I was disappointed by the story line. The first 50 pages made me feel so sorry for Marcus and very depressed about my own life. And even though everything ends all fine and good in the end (although not necessarily in the way you might expect) I found the book to be quite uninspiring. So despite the racy cover (I must admit it was kind of scandalous to be reading a book with a mostly naked woman on the cover) the book is disappointing.Tales Of the CityThis book was recommended to me by my friend Kara--and it was a quick and enjoyable read. The book takes place in San Francisco and brings to life a city of free spirits, scandal, and love. There are a lot of characters and each has their own story. I read this book very quickly since each chapter focuses on one character and is only a few pages--it is great for people with short attention spans. And even though the story takes place over 20 years ago the lessons and stories are still pertinent to today. The book does leave you handing though (lots of spawned threads without any closure) so you will need to pick up the sequel (which I haven't yet, but intend to do so).The Articulate Executive: Learn to Look, Act, and Sound Like a LeaderI haven't read this book because I managed to lose it somewhere. I could have sworn it was in the trunk of my car, but on surface level digging I wasn't able to locate it (on a side note, I really need to clean out my car). It might also be in my closet (which is very similar to the Bermuda Triangle--things just disappear). Maybe with my project of deep cleaning and going through the closets I will uncover this book's location. Until then I don't have much to review.

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