Kate Matsudaira

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Learning to Get Up Early

I decided next month I am going to start taking the bus to work.  Normally this hasn't been an option in the past because my hours were too long.  However, as I am going on vacation next month (yay!) it just wouldn't make sense to pay for a whole month of parking.  This gives me an excuse to cut my commute in half and start taking the bus.  I am hopeful that taking the bus will allow me to read, save money on gas, save money on parking (instead of paying $8.50/day for parking I can pay $5/day for bus fare (it is $2.50 each way, but I am hoping it will actually be less to take the bus if I buy ride coupons).In order to take the bus though, I have to start getting up early to make it to the bus stop.  As I have been trying to workout in the morning I have been doing an alright job getting up around 6:30-7am, doing a 45 minutes workout and then showering and getting ready (which takes about 45 minutes or so).  Needless to say I want to get more efficient with my time. So I have some options--skip working out in the morning (not my preference), take less time getting ready (need to figure out how to do this), and get up earlier.I figure I need to get up promptly at 5:45 or so, go workout and then be in the shower by 6:45am.  Here are the things I am doing now to get ready:

  • Setting my alarm at the appointed time
  • Resolving to actually get up when the alarm goes off (I love the snooze button--it is like a little magnet for my finger)
  • Paring down my morning routine (you always read about double duty products so maybe it gives me an excuse to try some of those)
  • Blow drying and styling less--chignons and french twists more (my long hair seriously takes forever to coif)
  • Picking out my clothes the night before (sometimes I can get lost in my closet trying on outfit after outfit--Lucky Magazine's (October issue) letter to the editor suggested just wearing the first thing you put on, so they may also be another time saving technique)
  • Streamlining my handbag, laptop bag, pile of stuff I carry to work. (This deserves a whole post in itself--how to organize your bags so like a girl scout you are prepared (to me this means carrying things like dental floss, advil, lotion, perfume, etc) but everything is neat and pulled together)
  • Investigating bus schedules and bus coupons
  • Locating a mani/pedi place close to the bus stop (since I used to go after work I have a place I drive to downtown, now I need a new place closer to where I will park my car)

Any other ideas?  Suggestions?