Kate Matsudaira

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My New iPhone!

Finally!notice the big crack on my blackberry?  it was about time.....After using a blackberry pretty consistently since 2003 (there was a brief 2 month fling with a smartphone) over the weekend I went out and bought an iPhone (16GB 3Gs for those who are curious).  Ever since leaving my job at Microsoft I have used an apple powerbook or ibook as my main computer.  I had been wanting an iPhone for a while for two reasons -- all the great apps (it seems like everyone and their sister is talking about this or that iPhone app) and the camera (the camera on the blackberry--at least the 1.5 year old one I was using--was just awful!).  My two concerns were getting my email (I am an addict) and giving up my keypad (sometimes I think I can type faster with my thumbs than my fingers).   And while I haven't used the email that much, my typings has adapted very quickly so far!I am seriously so in love with my new iPhone.Currently my favorite things to do on the iPhone is play the games.  In particular I have already spent too many hours on FieldRunners ($2.99), Stone Loops of Jurassica ($0.99), and reMovem (free and $3.99 version, I played the free one and then upgraded).   All 3 are very fun and addictive!  Although once I played all the maps with FieldRunners I got bored, so that one didn't last as long.I am still exploring other apps though -- so far I have downloaded the Facebook app (free), Tweetie ($2.99, which I chose because I wanted a twitter app and mashable recommended it), and Lose It! (free).  I really like Lose It! so far to track food, workouts, etc.I still want to find a good "To Do List" type application.Here are the main ways I plan to use my new iPhone (besides email, text messages, maps and a phone):

  • Twitter.  I heart twitter.
  • Pictures!  I can't wait to start snapping fashion dos and don'ts on my commute to the office.
  • Food Diary.  I have been wanting an easy way to track all the food I eat each day.
  • Entertainment.  The games are awesome.  I am so amazed by how many fun little diversions I have uncovered thus far.
  • Training tracking.  I am training for the Seattle marathon in November, and every little workout I do feels like such an accomplishment.  I am tracking them in a spreadsheet now and on mapymyrun.com, but I plan to move these to my iPhone as well (not sure how yet).
  • Centralized calendar.  I keep appointments everywhere!  I need to unify.
  • Keeping track of all my work items.  I have so many plans, goals, and things to do.  I am secretly hoping that the iPhone will be my secret weapon to get on top of these things once and for all.

Any apps you use that I should check out?  Anything you use your iPhone for that is different or interesting?  Would love to hear it and get more ideas!