Kate Matsudaira

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Pride and Glory Movie Review

Over the weekend we went to see another movie. Renton's new movie theater Regal Cinemas at the Landing were having a special through November 1st where you get a free drink and popcorn for every paid admission. After enjoying the movies we watched on vacation we decided to take advantage of this special while it was still available. After perusing the listing of what was playing there wasn't that many movies that really appealed to both of us.  We decided to go see Pride and Glory, since I liked Edward Norton and Garrett found the plot line at least a little bit interesting.The movie stars Colin Farrell and Edward Norton, but also has performances by John Voight and Noah Emmerich.  It is about police corruption and family ties.  It has some great performances and while I wasn't entirely satisfied byt he ending I will say I did enjoy watching the movie.  It wasn't an edge-of-your-seat can't-wait-to-see-what-happens movie, but more of a this-is-an-interesting-story-I-can't-wait-to-see-how-it-ends up type of movie.  I was definitely entertained for the full two hours and didn't want to even get up and go the bathroom.  There is some violence, but it isn't too gruesome to watch.  I also thought the story seemed well written and I really liked all of the characters--especially Edward Norton (and not just because he is one of my favorite actors).All in all I would say it is a good story and worth watching at some point (although I owuld advise people to rush out to see in in the theatres or anything).  I give it a solid 3.5/5.