Someone Please Start a Company that....
Will send out handwritten cards on a schedule (having gifts/flowers would be an added bonus).
- Image by tapperboy via Flickr
Here is the problem:I have two sets of grandparents (don't worry they will never read this blog). I really like sending them little greeting cards on the holidays because they really like getting them (everyone feels warm and fuzzy). The problem is I always forget. I set little alarms and notifications on my calendar (sometimes 2-3 of them!) and I still don't pick up a card or don't mail it (can't find stamps, don't know the address by heart, etc). What I would love is if I could "order" the cards a year in advance or something, and they would be hand written (no print outs) and arrive on time. I would easily pay $5 per holiday (and I would love to do them for Valentine's, Easter, Thanksgiving, birthdays, anniversaries, etc). I would probably even send them to other people if such a service existed.Here are two of ways of doing it (there are lots of others):
- The person sends in a big box of cards for the year (all written out) and you mail them on a specified date (say the week before birthday, anniversary, easter, etc). (This is the easiest, but I wouldn't want to pay $5 per card for this service)
- You have a website with a selection of cards to pick from, the person selects all the cards for the year and types in a custom message for each. Then each card is handwritten and mailed at the specified date. Each year a person can do all their cards for the year. Very easy. Dates, contact info, messages and card choice should be maintained year over year.
Other cool options for #2: have boy and girl hand writing (or 5-6 handwriting styles), give so many words free in a message (say 25) and then you pay extra for each additional word, negotiate a great deal on cards by using artists you find on etsy and buying in bulk, etcIf this site exists they did a horrible job with SEO or you executed this idea very poorly because I couldn't find it in the first 4 pages of search results for the terms "send" + "handwritten" + "card".