Kate Matsudaira

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What's New?

Wow, I have been so busy.It seems lately I have been keeping myself occupied and haven't had any chance to post anything recently.  So let's see what have I been up to recently?

  • Took a trip to NYC. We spent about 7 days there and even though I had to work during the weekdays it felt like a mini-vacation.  It was very reinvigorating, despite tiring.  I love the city.  Mostly there was a lot of touristing around and seeing the sights.  I got to see the Statue of Liberty, Coney Island, Central Park, and explored all the little neighborhoods.  We also saw Guys and Dolls on Boradway (it is one of my favorite plays). It was soooo much fun.  And despite all of the wonderful meals we ate I managed to lose weight.  I think it was probably from all of the walking!  Anyway, I will likely be going back there again next week for work.
  • Working out! I have been back on the bandwagon with my work outs recently.  I have been watching some TV Shows on demand (The Duel, The Hills, and several others) and I bought season 2 of Lipstick Jungle, so having a full programming schedule has kept my motivation up.  Oh and I am seeing results!  That has also been helping.  Although I think the main reason for the results is that I have been improving my willpower and doing pretty well on my diets.  And weight loss 20% exercise and 80% diet, and I have been having some success on both fronts.
  • Reading.  My new commute taking the bus has given me lots of time to read.  I am on book 4 for the Stephanie Plum series.  I read this epic thriller called Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet--it is definitely more of a man book (mainly because of the graphic violence) but it was a good story and I read all 1000 pages in less than a week.  I also read Water For Elephants, which was one of the best books I have read in a really long time.  And my queue of books has been growing--Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is next.
  • Cultivating my inner domestic goddess.  We planted a little garden (tomatoes, strawberries, snap peas, basil, a pepper plant) and I have been picking roses almost daily from our rose bushes so we have fresh flowers in the house (although my florist arranging needs some work).  I also have embraced spring cleaning and completely reworked my whole closet--including ironing and making a big pile for the tailor (which hopefully will get taken care of this week).  And (yes there is more!) I have been spending more time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.  I have been coming up with new recipes and trying to eat at home more frequently.
  • Working! Of course!  After all, I do work for a startup and I love what I do, but it certainly keeps me occupied.

I totally want to get a new camera so I can start putting some pictures on my blog--but being a budget prohibits that kind of spending so right now you will just have to settle for my stories.Anyway, I am going to try to get back in the swing of updating more frequently, in particular I plan to post some of the recipes and things I am trying and how they turn out.  I am also going to post some book reviews, and maybe some shopping links as they come about (I am hankering to tackle some redecorating projects in the house!).Hope everyone is having a great spring :)