Kate Matsudaira

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I am back!

So I am finally back home after a long 10 day vacation involving no internet and very little phone access.  It was a fabulous trip although the first time I have ever taken a vacation where I truly unplugged from everything.  To be honest, I don't think I would have minded a little work here and there.  In fact I think the ideal combination would be to work 4-5 hours each day and then have the rest of the day to do whatever.I managed to do a lot of reading and watch movies while I was away.  I read the book Good in Bed, and I enjoyed it. It was a light book about a "larger woman" who had a pet rat terrier. Living with 2 rat terriers myself, it is kind of fun to read about a character who actually owned one. I thought the story was entertaining, and I bet most women could relate to the main character Cannie. I had a hard time relating to her though since she lacked raw ambition and drive. It is almost as if she just left things happen to her throughout the story and made no effort to change her own path.Other than reading, we spent a ton of time swimming in the ocean, shopping, and eating. I came back a few pounds heavier that is for sure. So now I am on a diet to try and get in shape for January when I am planning on going on another beach vacation (to Cabo San Lucas this time).Now that I am back though my arrival has been bittersweet. I missed the dogs, my bed and my pillows; but I am dreading going back to work. I am also unaccustomed to having so much space. We were two people in a 500 square foot space for 10 days, then coming back into the 2500 sq ft house--everything just feels huge! I also loved wearing a pony tail and flip flops everyday, and having the weather always be at least 75 degrees out. I wish we could move to Hawaii, although Garrett thinks I would go stir crazy living there. I think one thing is for certain though, I am more resolved than ever to start my own business (or multiple businesses) and figure out a way to break free of my daily grind. Although the economy doesn't seem to be doing much better (stocks are still way down) and it wouldn't surprise me if things dipped a little lower after the election, so right now I am just saving and planning for the future.Okay, I am off to enjoy the last of my vacation (I go back to work tomorrow) with some reading and R&R. Hope everyone had a good last two weeks! :)