Rant: Who Are Today's Role Models?

So while I was working out this morning I flipped on VH1 and it was playing an episode of Brooke Knows Best--a spin-off reality show about Hulk Hogan's daughter moving out on her own and leaving the nest.  As I am a sucker for reality shows I decided to read my US Weekly magazine and watch Brooke while I trudged through my elliptical trainer cardio session.  I was appalled by what I saw.  In this episode Brooke was looking for a roommate and one of the potential candidates was talking about her political activism.  Brooke made a comment that made me so livid I think my heart rate nearly doubled (and keep in mind I was working out).  She said that she didn't think women should be allowed to vote because they get emotional and have mood swings--and she kept supporting her opinion.  It was so devastating to think that any young woman would look to someone like this as a role model.  Besides the women factor (hello, feminism!), what kind of idiot says a whole section of the population should not vote???  At least a lot of the younger celebrities have been trying to be political and tell people to vote, but here is a girl with her own tv show (holding youth captive for 30 minutes per week) that makes such stupid statements.  I just find this depressing.  :(Well I can't help it if people are stupid, but this is an election year and it is important to vote.  It doesn't matter what your opinion is, but just simply filling in a ballot tells your representatives that you care.  This means that they will tailor their campaign to your demographic.  For example if only 50 year old people vote then they will pay more attention to legislation that affects like them like Medicare changes and social security. If a lot of 20 somethings cast their vote then they are more likely to pay attention to issues that generation cares about like 401k contributions (increasing the limit in the event social security dries up).  Just voting represents your demographic of the population and will likely skew legistation to be in your favor--this should be a reason to vote unto itself.  Of course, you should also consider that so many people have sacrificed their lives and families for your rights and you wouldn't want those losses to be in vain.


Vacation and Progress (or lack thereof in both cases)


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